Event details

Date: Apr 2 2024
Duration: 15 Minutes

About this talk

As ransomware continues to plague educational institutions, both by sophisticated threat actors like ransomware gangs and state-sponsored adversaries, the imperative to bolster cybersecurity measures becomes increasingly apparent. Educational leaders are acknowledging the urgency of investing in robust defense mechanisms. Yet, the process is hindered by the complexity of the cybersecurity landscape, replete with acronyms and exaggerated claims, making it daunting to discern the most suitable technologies and solutions.

Join cybersecurity expert Mark Sangster, Vice President, Chief of Strategy, for our Industry Tip Tuesday series, where he takes a 15-minute deep dive into security challenges facing the education industry.

Presented by:

Mark Sangster, Vice President, Chief of Strategy

Additional Resources

Gartner Research: How to Prepare for a Ransomware Attack