Adlumin Security Operations Platform

One platform. One team. Endless capabilities.

No matter how you manage the platform, Adlumin is your command center for all security IT operations. Get end-to-end security in one location.

Our tests simulate different vantage points, from limiting the scope to see what an attacker could exploit to how many ways an attacker could access critical data and assets.
We’ll empower your employees to spot and report suspicious emails and automatically enroll users who’ve been tricked by attackers.
A dedicated team will continuously identify critical vulnerabilities, prioritized by risk, and rapidly remediate risks through patch management.

Get a Pricing Plan that Works for You

Adlumin’s pricing is based on the number of devices we ingest.

Choose to manage Adlumin XDR on your own, or with Adlumin MDR. Either way, we offer multiple options to meet your needs.