Explore the latest cybersecurity emerging trends including advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud security, zero-trust, and IoT security.

TAGITM 2024 Annual Education Conference

Don’t miss the TAGITM Annual Education Conference, happening from April 2-5, 2024, at the La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas. Tailored specifically for county and city IT managers and staff, this event offers unparalleled technology education.

Whether you’re responsible for your county or city’s technical strategic direction or involved in technology decision-making, attending is a must. Benefit from over 45 years of leadership, insight, and innovation curated by the TAGITM Conference Committee. Explore cutting-edge technologies and services from industry leaders, participate in educational sessions, and network with business partners from across the state.

Dates: April 2-5, 2024
Location: San Antonio, TX
Booth: #14
Sponsorship Level: Platinum


Arkansas IT Symposium

In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, it’s imperative for IT executives to stay abreast of global trends to seamlessly integrate strategies into their operations, fostering agility and maintaining competitive edge. The Arkansas IT Symposium offers regional IT executives a platform to convene for networking, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing via peer-led keynotes, breakouts, panels, and networking sessions.

Tailored with the IT executive in mind, the Arkansas IT Symposium serves as a conduit for building a robust professional peer network and acquiring real-world insights on transformative technology and management solutions.

Date: May 9, 2024
Location: Little Rock, AR


Watch a Live EvilGinx Demonstration to See How Cybercriminals Bypass MFA

Event details:

Thursday, March 21, 2024
1:00 PM EST


Mark Sangster, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin
Kevin O’Connor, Director of Threat Research

About this talk:

Cybersecurity professionals preach the power of multi-factor authentication (MFA), but what happens when a cybercriminal goes around it?

Join Adlumin’s Mark Sangster and Kevin O’Connor as they demonstrate MFA bypass techniques using EvilGinx 3. In this webinar, you’ll also see how attackers can leverage hijacked session cookies and EvilGinx phishlets to compromise user accounts and access. The pair will also dive into how to combat these attacks, along with the benefits of a fully visible network for cybersecurity.

Cyber Tide Podcast Season 2, Episode 3: AI, IT Disruptions, Supply Chain Issues, and Other Cybersecurity Risks in 2024

In this episode, Adlumin’s Chief of Strategy, Mark Sangster, and Jessvin Thomas, Adlumin’s Chief Product Officer, who brings a decade of experience within MDR, discuss industry technology innovations and share insightful predictions for 2024. The episode offers valuable recommendations to safeguard organizations from potential risks.

Top 4 Cybersecurity Predictions to Be Aware of for 2024

The Adlumin Threat Research Team has peered into the future and unveiled their top predictions for the upcoming year.

With each passing year, hackers become more sophisticated and the consequences of a breach become more severe. To help organizations prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, we have compiled this list of the top four cybersecurity threats to be aware of.  

From the growing threat of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) to the increasing impact of AI tools, these predictions will arm IT Directors with the knowledge they need to protect their organization from potential risks. So, buckle up and prepare for the top four cybersecurity challenges in the new year. 

1. Increase in Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) Attacks 

Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated, causing financial, operational, and reputational damage to businesses and organizations. RaaS refers to the model where cybercriminals offer ransomware tools and infrastructure to other hackers, who then deploy the ransomware on their behalf. This has enabled malicious actors with less sophisticated technical skills to carry out ransomware attacks, and share the profits with the original creators.

The rise in RaaS actors is alarming because it lowers the barrier to entry, making ransomware attacks accessible to a broader range of cybercriminals. This means we can anticipate a surge in ransomware attacks as more individuals and groups access these tools. This trend threatens organizations of all sizes and sectors, as no one is immune to being targeted by ransomware attacks. 

2. Shift from Data Encryption to Data Extortion Ransomware 

Ransomware has been a long-standing top cybersecurity threat, but in the new year, a shift in its tactics is predicted. Traditionally, ransomware attacks involved encrypting victims’ data and demanding a ransom for release. However, cybercriminals are expected to focus on data extortion increasingly.

This shift means threat actors will also exfiltrate sensitive information from victims’ systems and encrypt data. They will then threaten to release or sell this data if the ransom is not paid. This new approach adds an extra layer of pressure on organizations to comply with the attackers’ demands, as the exposure of sensitive data can lead to severe consequences, including reputational damage, regulatory penalties, and legal liabilities. 

3. Increased Focus on Cyberattacks Against Hospitality   

This cybersecurity threat prediction for the new year highlights the potential increased focus on attacks targeting the hospitality industry and the expected rise in the sophistication of fraud schemes. As the hospitality sector relies heavily on technology and handles a vast amount of customer data, it has become an attractive target for cybercriminals. This prediction suggests that attackers will continue to exploit vulnerabilities in hotel networks, reservation systems, point of sale (POS) terminals, and other digital platforms to steal confidential information. 

For example, the Marriot Hotel has faced multiple cybersecurity breaches over the past couple of years. Their most recent breach resulted in losing 20 gigabytes of sensitive customer and employee data including credit card information in an extortion attempt.   

4. Increased Impact from Malicious AI Tools

The increased impact of malicious AI tools on both attackers and defenders is predicted to be a major cybersecurity threat. AI technology has evolved significantly, creating a new era in cyberattacks and defense strategies. Cybercriminals leverage AI tools to amplify the scale and sophistication of their attacks, making them harder to detect and mitigate. AI-powered malware can self-propagate, adapt, and evolve, posing immense challenges to traditional cybersecurity measures.

Organizations also protect themselves by using AI tools to enhance their security capabilities. AI can help identify and analyze threats in real-time, assist in incident response, and automate cybersecurity processes. However, these AI tools can generate false positives or negatives, leading to missed or misinterpreted threats and potentially unlocking vulnerabilities.

The use of AI on both sides creates a dynamic and rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Attackers can leverage AI algorithms for advanced evasion techniques. On the other hand, defenders have the daunting task of keeping up with AI-powered attacks while navigating through potential inaccuracies or blind spots in their AI-enabled defense systems. 

Illuminate Threats and Eliminate Risks in 2024

The threat of data breaches and ransomware attacks loom over organizations of all sizes and sectors. It’s no longer a matter of if your organization will get breached or attacked with ransomware but rather when. The harsh reality is that no system is invincible, and cybercriminals are continually finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities.

While it can be challenging for IT teams to keep pace with evolving threats, innovative technology solutions and security measures are available to alleviate the strain. Organizations can automate threat detection and prevention processes by leveraging advanced security solutions like a Security Operations Platform and pairing them with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services, effectively mitigating the risks associated with cyber attacks.

Through the use of AI and machine learning, these solutions analyze vast amounts of data, identify anomalies, and respond to potential threats in real-time, empowering organizations to defend against cyber threats proactively.  

Stay Informed

Subscribe to Adlumin’s blog series and gain access to actionable advice and step-by-step guides from cybersecurity experts.

Adlumin’s Threat Insights: Latest Adversaries and Vulnerabilities

Adlumin’s quarterly threat insights focus on rising risks and vulnerabilities affecting businesses. With cyberattacks becoming increasingly prevalent, organizations of all sizes are at risk. Last year, around 76% of organizations were targeted by ransomware, emphasizing the urgent need for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity measures.

Adlumin’s latest report aims to provide insights by examining cyber threats, tactics, and procedures utilized by threat actors, identifying targeted industries and fresh avenues for infiltration, and offering an understanding of the methods employed by these malicious actors. Understanding the tactics and procedures employed by threat actors is crucial in mitigating these risks and safeguarding organizations.

By downloading  Adlumin’s Threat Insights 2023: Volume IV you will gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments and actionable recommendations to enhance your proactive defense strategies and mitigate cyberattack risks.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – take the necessary steps to protect your enterprise network.

Cybersecurity Time Machine Series: Solutions Through the Years

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

Cybersecurity has rapidly transformed in protecting valuable data and systems from malicious threat actors. From its inception as a simple notion of secure protocols to the complex and sophisticated solutions of the present day, the journey of cybersecurity has been nothing short of extraordinary.  

This year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s theme celebrates 20 Years of Cybersecurity Awareness. In relevance, we took you through the evolution of threat actors over the past two decades in Cybersecurity Time Machine Series: The Evolution of Threat Actors to showcase the complexity of the threat landscape. Now, we explore the past 20 years’ advancement of cybersecurity solutions, tracking its progress through various stages and highlighting the milestones that have shaped its current landscape. 

Cybersecurity: The Early Years (2000-2005) 

A digital revolution was underway in the early years of the new millennium. This era saw the rise of antivirus software, emerging as the first line of defense against malicious software and cyber threats. This development was accompanied by firewalls, protecting the digital boundaries of networks and systems.  

However, understanding cyber threats and vulnerabilities was limited, exposing organizations to unknown dangers. Comprehensive cybersecurity strategies were absent within this landscape, leaving organizations struggling to navigate this deep digital landscape. These early years were marked by a race against time to understand and combat the threat landscape. 

Increased Awareness: Mid-2000s (2006-2010) 

In the mid-2000s, a sense of unease began to settle over the digital landscape. Organizations were becoming increasingly aware of the lurking threat of cyberattacks, launching a new era of caution and vigilance. As the world connected and information flowed freely on the Internet, the need for protection became essential. This is where there were intrusion detection systems, powerful gatekeepers that tirelessly monitored network traffic, searching for any signs of malicious intent.  

Simultaneously, encryption technologies created shields around sensitive data and communications. However, as defenses strengthened, so did the adversaries. Cybercriminals grew increasingly sophisticated, their tactics to match the advancing digital landscape. These developments raised the stakes. 

Introduction of Behavior-Based Threat Detection (2010-2015) 

Between 2010 and 2015, traditional reactive approaches were gradually replaced by innovative strategies to stay one step ahead of threat actors. With the introduction of behavior-based threat detection, security experts began analyzing patterns and anomalies to anticipate potential attacks, neutralizing them before any damage could occur.  

As technology advanced, cloud-based security solutions emerged as a game-changer, providing organizations with scalable, efficient, and cost-effective protection against rapidly changing threats. Machine learning and artificial intelligence brought a new era, empowering cybersecurity systems to continually learn, adapt, and predict potential vulnerabilities with uncanny accuracy.  

These developments heightened the level of defense and brought about a sense of assurance, as organizations were armed with proactive measures to safeguard their digital assets. With these advancements, the world of cybersecurity was forever transformed, nurturing a future where staying secure is no longer a question of luck but rather a matter of strategic planning and cutting-edge technology. 

Cybersecurity in Recent Years (2016-2020) 

Cybersecurity has witnessed significant advancements and transformations in recent years that have revolutionized how organizations approach data protection and privacy strategies. One crucial development that has taken center stage is the focus on endpoint security. With the rise of remote work and the spread of devices connected to corporate networks, organizations are investing in endpoint security solutions to safeguard their data from threats. 

However, not just endpoint security has gained traction. The importance of data protection has sparked a shift in how organizations handle and secure their sensitive information. In a world where data breaches and leaks regularly make headlines, organizations are under increasing pressure to implement strict data privacy policies and deploy protection mechanisms to safeguard customer and employee data. 

Additionally, the evolution of threat intelligence platforms has played a crucial role in cyber threats. These platforms actively collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of data from various sources, allowing organizations to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and threat intelligence platforms can promptly identify and respond to emerging cyber threats, minimizing potential damage and downtime. 

Examples of Solutions in Recent Years:

  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): EDR continually monitors an endpoint (laptop, tablet, mobile phone, server, or internet-of-things device) to identify threats through data analytics and prevent malicious activity with rules-based automated response capabilities.
  • Managed Detection and Response (MDR): In response to a growing portfolio of security products, organizations turned to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) to manage these devices, update and patch systems, aggregate information, and provide frequent reporting. MSSPs manage devices, whereas customers also need a service to manage alerts, investigate threats, and contain attacks. MDR provides a turnkey combination of tools and security expertise to protect clients from cyber threats.
  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR): XDR collects security data from network points, operating systems logs, application logs, cloud services, endpoints, and other logging systems to correlate information and apply threat detection analytics to this data lake of information.  

To find the best solution for your organization, explore comparison guides like EDR vs. XDR vs. MDR: The Cybersecurity ABCs Explained 

Current and Future Cybersecurity Solution Trends (2021-Present) 

Several key cybersecurity solution trends are gaining traction as we move into the future. The adoption of zero-trust architecture is rapidly growing, with organizations realizing that traditional perimeter-based security is no longer sufficient. This approach focuses on granting access based on authentication and authorization, regardless of the user’s location or device, effectively minimizing the potential for breaches.  

Advanced analytics and automation tools are increasingly integrated to enhance threat detection and response capabilities. These technologies provide real-time insights into potential threats, allowing faster and more efficient incident response. Additionally, there is a noticeable shift towards decentralized cybersecurity, with organizations opting for distributed security measures instead of relying solely on centralized systems.  

The rise of emerging technologies like 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) presents both opportunities and challenges for cybersecurity. While these technologies offer immense benefits, they also expand the attack surface, requiring security measures to be implemented alongside their deployment. The future of cybersecurity lies in these trends, allowing organizations to proactively protect their digital assets while harnessing the full potential of technology.  

Adlumin’s Spot the Lurker Challenge 

Unleash the power of knowledge and stand a chance to win big in the ‘Defeat the Lurker’ contest. Download Adlumin’s 2023 Threat Report Round-Up, shine a light on hidden threats and equip yourself with the tools to protect your network while entering for a chance to win amazing prizes. 

Stay Informed

Subscribe to Adlumin’s blog series and gain access to actionable advice and step-by-step guides from cybersecurity experts.