Cybersecurity strategy resources helping organizations proactively defend against evolving threats.

4 Factors to Consider Before Building vs. Buying MDR Services

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

When it comes to implementing a Managed Detection and Response solution, organizations often face the dilemma of choosing between building a Security Operations Center (SOC) in-house or buying a pre-existing Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution from a vendor. The MDR market has witnessed rapid growth due to cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated. As a result, organizations recognize the need to ramp up their security operations by adopting MDR services that combine threat intelligence, advanced detection tools, and around-the-clock monitoring. 

Cybercriminals are increasingly developing advanced attack strategies and techniques, making it critical for all organizations to have some form24x7 coverage. Proactive threat detection, continuous monitoring, and incident response are essential components of cybersecurity, ensuring the protection of valuable assets and maintaining customer trust. 

The decision between buying and building an MDR solution should not be taken lightly, as it could significantly affect your organization’s overall cybersecurity posture and operational efficiency. There are crucial factors that need to be carefully considered before making such a decision, including the organization’s objectives and needs, budget, team expertise, technology, and availability.  

4 Factors to Consider Before Building a SOC vs. Buying MDR 

  1. Cybersecurity Budget:

    There is a common misconception that working with an MDR vendor is more expensive compared to building an in-house SOC. However, when evaluating the total cost, it becomes clear that building in-house is often more costly. It is important to consider the affordability of various components, such as equipment, software, staffing, and ongoing maintenance. In addition, outsourcing to a trusted MDR vendor can prove to be cost-effective in the long run. Breaking down the expenses can often reveal additional expenses that can add up to a higher total cost to build in-house.  

    While focusing on building your SOC, organizations may divert internal resources from core business activities, leading to potential opportunity costs. Additionally, building an in-house capability takes time and does not happen overnight, so during this time, it may be difficult to detect threats. By buying an MDR solution from a trusted MDR provider, organizations can quickly implement a robust security posture without the associated time and opportunity costs of building internally.

    Ask yourself: What costs do I need to consider for buying vs. building an MDR solution? 

  2. Security Team Expertise: 

    When considering the implementation of an MDR, organizations should carefully assess their current team’s expertise and determine where their resources and time should be spent. Suppose your organization already has an internal team of cybersecurity professionals. In that case, it may be more beneficial for them to focus on other security operations tasks rather than constantly monitoring the environment and filtering through alerts.  

    Outsourcing the MDR to a trusted vendor can provide a ready-made team of experts in addition to a threat research team, to manage security operations efficiently, allowing the internal team to allocate their time and resources to other important cybersecurity tasks. This approach can help organizations optimize their resources and ensure that the expertise of their internal team is utilized effectively.

    Ask yourself: What expertise is required for an SOC? Do I currently have a team? And where do they need to spend their time? 

  3. Available Cybersecurity Technology:

    The cybersecurity landscape is dynamic, with threat actors constantly evolving their techniques. Organizations that choose to build an in-house SOC must allocate resources for research and development to stay updated on vulnerabilities, emerging threats, and industry best practices. This includes investing in threat intelligence feeds, attending conferences, participating in information-sharing communities, and conducting regular assessments and audits. Such ongoing investments are necessary to ensure that the in-house SOC remains effective and relevant.

    In contrast to MDR vendors, they are built to help organizations take command of their security operations and compliance without the additional need for expertise. Working with an MDR vendor, you should expect consistent updates, new technologies, and innovations that evolve with the current threat landscape.  

    Regardless of the chosen approach, organizations must invest in technology to build and maintain an in-house SOC effectively. This investment includes maintaining and tuning rules, managing the technology, and ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure.

    Ask yourself: What technology do I have currently, and what will I need to stay updated with current threats? 

  4.  IT Stack Scalability:

    Planning for scalability in your SOC should include adapting to evolving cybersecurity threats and accommodating your business’s expanding needs. This involves assessing the size and scope of your SOC and determining the necessary resources, such as the number of employees and tools, to support its growth. 

    When it comes to scalability, building an in-house SOC may limit your options. It requires additional investments in recruiting and training staff and acquiring new tools as the business evolves. Additionally, managing the increasing amount of data ingested can become cost prohibitive.

    On the other hand, opting for MDR service providers can offer flexible pricing that allows you to adjust your security resources and requirements as needed. They can help you scale your MDR to handle more data ingestion without incurring excessive costs. 

    Ask yourself: What scalability and flexibility does my growing business need?   

Buying vs. Building an MDR Solution? 

When considering whether to buy or build an MDR solution, it is crucial to start by outlining the ideal solution and assessing the availability of resources in-house. If building is viable, evaluating the time it will take to complete the project and ensuring it aligns with the desired go-live window is important. It is also important to find an MDR solution that can grow and scale with your organization as you build it. However, if building is not feasible within the desired timeframe or at all, exploring MDR providers that can deliver a solution that closely aligns with the ideal one is advisable. The decision between building vs. buying should be seen as a flexible approach to achieving the desired outcome based on your organization’s current circumstances. 

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Penetration Testing as a Service vs. PenTesting

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

Penetration testing is a vital part of cybersecurity strategies for organizations, helping them identify vulnerabilities in their systems, networks, and applications. Organizations have relied on traditional penetration testing methods, where a team of experts conducts the tests on-site. However, with the rise of technology and cloud-based services, a new approach has emerged – Penetration Testing as a Service or PTaaS.   

This blog discusses the differences between conventional penetration testing and penetration testing as a service, comparing each method. By understanding the differences, organizations can make informed decisions when choosing the right approach for their security needs. 

What is Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS)? And how is it different? 

Penetration testing as a service is a revolutionary cybersecurity approach that is gaining popularity. Unlike traditional penetration testing methods, penetration testing as a service takes advantage of the cloud and offers on-demand accessibility, making the entire process more efficient and seamless.  

With penetration testing as a service, organizations can securely access the testing platform through the cloud, eliminating the need for manual setup and configuration of testing environments. This significantly speeds up the testing process and allows for greater scalability since the necessary resources can be easily allocated as needed. 

Additionally, penetration testing as a service employs automation and machine learning technologies to enhance the testing process. These technologies can assist with scanning for vulnerabilities, analyzing results, and even suggesting remediation steps. As a result, it can offer more accurate and comprehensive testing, saving time and effort for organizations. 

To further investigate what solution is best for your organization, let’s explore the differences:  

Who conducts the penetration test? 

Penetration Testing:  

Penetration tests are typically conducted by specialized cybersecurity professionals known as ethical hackers or penetration testers. These individuals have extensive knowledge and experience in identifying and exploiting security vulnerabilities. They follow a systematic approach to test the effectiveness of an organization’s security controls and identify areas where improvements are needed.  

Penetration Testing as a Service: 

Many organizations choose to engage in external penetration testing services provided by third-part services, such as Managed Detection and Response (MDR) providers. These providers have specialized expertise and access to advanced tools and techniques that can comprehensively assess an organization’s security posture. 

How long does a penetration test take? 

Penetration Testing:  

The duration of a penetration test can vary depending on the availability of resources and information, the test’s scope, or the target system’s complexity. On average, a penetration test can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete.   

Penetration Testing as a Service:

With penetration testing as a service, the testing is run based on your convenience or when your team wants to schedule them. Moving penetration tests to ‘as a service’ eliminates needing someone to manually set up pen tests. Instead, they can be scheduled to run on a regular basis or when you want, allowing for consistent assessments and updates. This means the duration can be longer than a one-time conventional test, but it provides more comprehensive and up-to-date security coverage. 

Will there be communication between an organization and the penetration testers? 

Penetration Testing:

During a penetration test, the communication between the penetration testers and the internal team can vary based on the policies and procedures of the organization. In some cases, there may be little to no interaction between the two groups, with the penetration testers working independently and providing updates only to a designated point of contact, such as a project manager. 

Penetration Testing as a Service: 

Two options are offered: the organization runs the tests independently, or an MDR provider manages the tests through a Progressive Penetration Testing Program  

Utilizing an MDR provider allows for seamless and direct communication between internal teams and penetration testers throughout the project, resulting in a more streamlined process. By eliminating unnecessary mediators, the exchange of information becomes more efficient and effective. 

The close collaboration enables any friction or misunderstanding to be promptly addressed, clarified, and resolved during the penetration test. This not only ensures a smoother workflow but also allows for quicker resolution of any issues. 

Additionally, it provides a valuable opportunity for the organization’s employees to enhance their skills by working alongside penetration testers. By actively participating in the penetration testing process, they can gain valuable insights and knowledge, ultimately improving their capabilities in cybersecurity. 

When can I see the results? 

Penetration Testing:  

One of the significant limitations of traditional penetration tests is the delayed communication of results. Typically, the findings are only conveyed at the end of the tests. Consequently, potentially crucial vulnerabilities may remain unaddressed for extended periods, ranging from days to even weeks. 

Penetration Testing as a Service:   

When a penetration tester detects a vulnerability, the platform immediately notifies the organization. This real-time alert allows internal teams to address the issue promptly, even before the penetration test is complete. Organizations can deploy patches and test them against cybercriminals without the need for another round of testing.  

This continuous reporting system, coupled with the ability to collaborate with penetration testers, enables the organization’s IT team to gain valuable insights into the remediation of vulnerabilities. 

Penetration Testing as a Service vs. PenTesting 

Penetration testing as a service offers organizations an affordable and convenient solution for assessing their cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Organizations can quickly identify and mitigate potential threats with on-demand access to human-led penetration testing combined with automation. It also provides continuous monitoring and real-time reports for faster resolution. This approach ensures higher accuracy and data analytics and makes penetration testing more accessible and cost-effective compared to traditional methods. By illuminating potential risks, penetration testing as a service enables organizations to adopt effective defenses and enhance their security posture. 

Ultimately, the choice between penetration testing and penetration testing as a service depends on an organization’s unique needs and financial resources. Traditional penetration testing may be ideal for certain tasks, but it is crucial to assess the areas where assistance is needed and select the most appropriate option to meet the organization’s security requirements. 

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Black Hat 2024

Join Adlumin and industry leaders at Black Hat 2024. Discover cutting-edge research and enhance your skills through hands-on training, so your organization can stay ahead of the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

N-able Empower Conference

Join Adlumin during the N-able Empower Conference for three days of tailored experiences designed to inspire transformation and foster innovation.

  • Executive Leadership: Navigate unique challenges faced by leaders seeking to enhance enterprise value for their organizations. Topics cover defining and measuring success, differentiating strategies employed by the best, identifying emerging market opportunities, optimizing go-to-market models, leveraging growth levers, and effective team building.
  • Service Managers & Operations: Delve into issues pertinent to those shaping service packages and ensuring top-notch delivery. Topics include exploring market opportunities, learning from industry leaders, and addressing staffing considerations during scaling.
  • Technicians: Deepen your understanding and utilization of key technologies and products to achieve best-in-class performance. Topics cover in-depth exploration of key use cases, staying abreast of emerging technologies such as RPA and AI, and strategies for adding value to your organization.
  • Sales & Business Development Professionals: Challenge conventional wisdom to boost revenue and foster growth. Topics include innovative approaches employed by top MSPs to drive growth, effective measurement of success, and insights into building a successful sales team.

Dates: March 25-28, 2024
Location: Omni PGA Frisco Resort, Frisco, TX


Three Actions to Mature Your Security Posture

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

When cybercriminals are consistently evolving their tactics, ensuring the security of your organization’s data and systems has never been more crucial. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats demands that businesses constantly level up their security practices to stay one step ahead of potential breaches. To achieve this, organizations need to go beyond having a security operations platform and consistently think about the potential of their platform. 

While there are various components to consider, three practices stand out as fundamental pillars for strengthening security maturity: vulnerability management, penetration testing, and security awareness training.  

This blog explores each of these components and highlights the reasons why, even implementing just one can significantly elevate your organization’s security posture.

Level Up #1: Vulnerability Management  

Vulnerability management is all about keeping your organization’s network safe from potential threats. You can quickly identify and tend to vulnerabilities, reducing the time it takes to patch them by automating the process. This automated system also provides valuable information about the risks these vulnerabilities pose and offers advice on how to fix them.

It helps you prioritize which vulnerabilities need immediate attention based on the potential harm they could cause. This proactive approach reduces the amount of time that attackers have to exploit these weaknesses, making your network more secure. Implementing vulnerability and patch management is not only a best practice for IT security but also helps ensure compliance with industry regulations. CIS Critical Security Control also indicates CVM as a requirement for meeting IT security best practices and compliance.

Vulnerability Management in Action

Vulnerability management levels up an organization’s security posture by identifying and addressing security weaknesses in its systems and networks. By regularly and consistently managing vulnerabilities, organizations can reduce the attack surface, prevent potential breaches, and enhance overall security resilience.

Here are a few signs that indicate your organization can benefit from Vulnerability Management: 

  1. You want to make the most of your security investments: Vulnerability management helps determine the return on security investment (ROSI), showing the potential financial losses that security measures can prevent. By promptly identifying vulnerabilities within your organization’s environment, these programs reduce the risks and potential costs of cyber-attacks.
  2. You need to streamline your vulnerability management program: Managing vulnerabilities manually can be time-consuming and inefficient. Vulnerability management technologies automate the process, allowing for real-time identification of vulnerabilities as they arise.
  3. You operate in a high-targeted industry: Certain industries, such as financial services or healthcare, are often the primary targets for cyber attacks. Implementing vulnerability management becomes even more crucial if your organization falls within these high-profile sectors.
  4. Your organization is experiencing rapid growth: As your organization expands, it becomes more vulnerable to cyber threats. With vulnerability management, you can ensure that your expanding network and systems are constantly protected. 

Level Up #2: Penetration Testing 

A penetration test, or pen test, is like a real-life game of “cybercriminals vs. defenders” that organizations play to protect themselves from cyber attacks. Experts try to break into the company’s systems in a controlled environment just like a real cybercriminal would. They go through different tactics, like finding weak spots in the system, sneaking in undetected, and even planting malicious software. 

Pen tests are so important because they help organizations understand how strong their defenses are. It’s like testing their security measures to see if cybercriminals could exploit any holes or vulnerabilities. It’s like getting an outside perspective on how well-protected you are.

By simulating real attacks, pen tests can uncover weak spots that the organization’s own security experts might have missed. It’s a way to shine a light on risks that might go unnoticed from the inside. The great thing about pen testing is that it identifies vulnerabilities and shows how much damage they could cause if someone were to exploit them. It gives organizations a heads up on where they need to tighten their security belts.  

Penetration Testing in Action 

Penetration tests can actually help strengthen a company’s security processes and strategies. When executives at an organization see the results of these tests, they can understand the potential damage that could occur and prioritize fixing those vulnerabilities. A skilled penetration tester can provide recommendations to build a solid security infrastructure and help allocate the cybersecurity budget wisely. 

Here are a few reasons your organization might need Penetration Testing:  

  1. You will find system vulnerabilities before cybercriminals
  2. You have the ability to strengthen security strategies and processes 
  3. You will reduce attack dwell time and lower remediation costs 
  4. You will stay compliant  
  5. You can preserve customer loyalty and brand reputation 

Level Up #3: Security Awareness Training 

Security awareness training is a way for IT and security professionals to teach employees to protect themselves and their organizations from cyber threats. It helps employees understand how their actions can put the organization at risk and how to avoid common mistakes.   

In addition, there are common standards and legislations that require organizations to have a security awareness training program in place, KnowB4 details the following: 

  • US State Privacy Laws 
  • CobiT 
  • Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) 
  • Gramm-Leach Bliley Act 
  • ISO/IEC 27001 & 27002 
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) 
  • Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) 
  • PCI DSS 

Research shows that most security breaches are caused by human error, so training is essential in preventing data breaches and other security incidents. It covers topics like proper email, internet usage, and physical security measures like not letting unauthorized people into the office. The best proactive security awareness programs are engaging and delivered in small doses but consistently to fit into employees’ busy schedules.  

Security Awareness Training in Action 

Having proper security awareness training for your team is crucial. It increases your organization’s security and saves you time and money in the long run. By educating your employees about the various threats and risks out there, you can prevent them from making simple mistakes that could hurt your organization.

Think about it – a single moment of carelessness, like checking an email on a public Wi-Fi network, could result in a major breach. But if everyone in your organization knows the dangers and takes the necessary precautions, the chances of a security breach are significantly reduced.  

Here are a few benefits of implementing a Security Awareness Program: 

  1. Saving time and money: Data breaches and similar attacks cost organizations billions of dollars each year. So, spending money on training is a small price to pay if it protects you from potential cyber threats. Time is another valuable resource that can be saved with proper cybersecurity training. If an attack occurs, your team will spend a lot of time the damage and finding ways to prevent future breaches.
  2. Employee empowerment: When your employees are well-informed about phishing emails, malware, and other common threats, they feel confident in recognizing and handling these situations. They won’t have to second-guess themselves or waste time seeking help from IT for simple issues.
  3. Continued customer trust: A data breach can severely damage your reputation. Losing the trust of customers not only results in a loss of revenue but can also impact your partnerships with other organizations. 

Leveling up Your Security Maturity

Cybersecurity detection is not just a fancy term or an added feature to your cybersecurity strategy. It is a proactive approach that can save you from the chaos and damage caused by cyber threats. It’s like shining a light into the shadows where cybercriminals hide, exposing their every move and giving you the upper hand.

By taking these components into consideration, you can stop threats in their tracks and prevent them from causing havoc. Whether it’s implementing one or all of the key components discussed, taking action is crucial.

Organizations can ease the burden on their IT teams by leveraging solutions that provide comprehensive threat detection and response capabilities. Adlumin offers enterprise-grade Managed Detection and Response Services that operate as an extension of your IT team.

For more information about why implementing proactive security measures is essential to leveling up your security maturity, download “The Executive’s Guide to Cybersecurity.” 

Cyber Tide Podcast Season 2, Episode 2: Navigating the Cyber Insurance Landscape: Premiums, Coverage and Claims

In this episode, we delve into the evolving world of cyber insurance. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, the demand for cyber coverage is rising. Join Adlumin’s VP, Chief of Strategy, Mark Sangster and Cysurance’s CEO, Kirsten Bay to explore the benefits of cyber insurance, emerging risks organizations are facing, the impact of post-claims, and more. 

Why Cybercrime is on the Rise — with James Anderson and Robert Johnston

Amidst the staggering number of cyberattacks occurring annually, bolstering cybersecurity in community banks is crucial. According to Robert Johnston, CEO of Adlumin Inc., while the allure of cutting-edge cyber protections is strong, it’s vital not to overlook the fundamentals. By mastering the basics, approximately 85% of threats can be mitigated, reducing potential risks significantly.

Navigating the complex task of maintaining robust cybersecurity can be overwhelming. However, teaming up with a fintech company can alleviate some of the burdens, providing added security and assurance for both the bank and its customers.

In a conversation with host Charles Potts, Johnston and James Anderson, VP and information technology manager at Kitsap Bank, delve into the key cyber threats that community banks should be vigilant against and strategies to prevent and address these threats.

“If you get the blocking and tackling done correctly, 85% of threats you can take off the table,” he says. “Get that right and you will save yourself a lot of pain from just brilliance in the basics.”

The Independent Banker podcast, sponsored by FIS, features this episode sponsored by Adlumin Inc. The October edition of Independent Banker highlights essential insights on current cybersecurity practices. Collaborating with a fintech can optimize a community bank’s cybersecurity operations, with ICBA’s ThinkTECH Accelerator serving as a valuable starting point.

Cybersecurity Time Machine Series: Solutions Through the Years

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

Cybersecurity has rapidly transformed in protecting valuable data and systems from malicious threat actors. From its inception as a simple notion of secure protocols to the complex and sophisticated solutions of the present day, the journey of cybersecurity has been nothing short of extraordinary.  

This year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s theme celebrates 20 Years of Cybersecurity Awareness. In relevance, we took you through the evolution of threat actors over the past two decades in Cybersecurity Time Machine Series: The Evolution of Threat Actors to showcase the complexity of the threat landscape. Now, we explore the past 20 years’ advancement of cybersecurity solutions, tracking its progress through various stages and highlighting the milestones that have shaped its current landscape. 

Cybersecurity: The Early Years (2000-2005) 

A digital revolution was underway in the early years of the new millennium. This era saw the rise of antivirus software, emerging as the first line of defense against malicious software and cyber threats. This development was accompanied by firewalls, protecting the digital boundaries of networks and systems.  

However, understanding cyber threats and vulnerabilities was limited, exposing organizations to unknown dangers. Comprehensive cybersecurity strategies were absent within this landscape, leaving organizations struggling to navigate this deep digital landscape. These early years were marked by a race against time to understand and combat the threat landscape. 

Increased Awareness: Mid-2000s (2006-2010) 

In the mid-2000s, a sense of unease began to settle over the digital landscape. Organizations were becoming increasingly aware of the lurking threat of cyberattacks, launching a new era of caution and vigilance. As the world connected and information flowed freely on the Internet, the need for protection became essential. This is where there were intrusion detection systems, powerful gatekeepers that tirelessly monitored network traffic, searching for any signs of malicious intent.  

Simultaneously, encryption technologies created shields around sensitive data and communications. However, as defenses strengthened, so did the adversaries. Cybercriminals grew increasingly sophisticated, their tactics to match the advancing digital landscape. These developments raised the stakes. 

Introduction of Behavior-Based Threat Detection (2010-2015) 

Between 2010 and 2015, traditional reactive approaches were gradually replaced by innovative strategies to stay one step ahead of threat actors. With the introduction of behavior-based threat detection, security experts began analyzing patterns and anomalies to anticipate potential attacks, neutralizing them before any damage could occur.  

As technology advanced, cloud-based security solutions emerged as a game-changer, providing organizations with scalable, efficient, and cost-effective protection against rapidly changing threats. Machine learning and artificial intelligence brought a new era, empowering cybersecurity systems to continually learn, adapt, and predict potential vulnerabilities with uncanny accuracy.  

These developments heightened the level of defense and brought about a sense of assurance, as organizations were armed with proactive measures to safeguard their digital assets. With these advancements, the world of cybersecurity was forever transformed, nurturing a future where staying secure is no longer a question of luck but rather a matter of strategic planning and cutting-edge technology. 

Cybersecurity in Recent Years (2016-2020) 

Cybersecurity has witnessed significant advancements and transformations in recent years that have revolutionized how organizations approach data protection and privacy strategies. One crucial development that has taken center stage is the focus on endpoint security. With the rise of remote work and the spread of devices connected to corporate networks, organizations are investing in endpoint security solutions to safeguard their data from threats. 

However, not just endpoint security has gained traction. The importance of data protection has sparked a shift in how organizations handle and secure their sensitive information. In a world where data breaches and leaks regularly make headlines, organizations are under increasing pressure to implement strict data privacy policies and deploy protection mechanisms to safeguard customer and employee data. 

Additionally, the evolution of threat intelligence platforms has played a crucial role in cyber threats. These platforms actively collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of data from various sources, allowing organizations to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and threat intelligence platforms can promptly identify and respond to emerging cyber threats, minimizing potential damage and downtime. 

Examples of Solutions in Recent Years:

  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): EDR continually monitors an endpoint (laptop, tablet, mobile phone, server, or internet-of-things device) to identify threats through data analytics and prevent malicious activity with rules-based automated response capabilities.
  • Managed Detection and Response (MDR): In response to a growing portfolio of security products, organizations turned to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) to manage these devices, update and patch systems, aggregate information, and provide frequent reporting. MSSPs manage devices, whereas customers also need a service to manage alerts, investigate threats, and contain attacks. MDR provides a turnkey combination of tools and security expertise to protect clients from cyber threats.
  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR): XDR collects security data from network points, operating systems logs, application logs, cloud services, endpoints, and other logging systems to correlate information and apply threat detection analytics to this data lake of information.  

To find the best solution for your organization, explore comparison guides like EDR vs. XDR vs. MDR: The Cybersecurity ABCs Explained 

Current and Future Cybersecurity Solution Trends (2021-Present) 

Several key cybersecurity solution trends are gaining traction as we move into the future. The adoption of zero-trust architecture is rapidly growing, with organizations realizing that traditional perimeter-based security is no longer sufficient. This approach focuses on granting access based on authentication and authorization, regardless of the user’s location or device, effectively minimizing the potential for breaches.  

Advanced analytics and automation tools are increasingly integrated to enhance threat detection and response capabilities. These technologies provide real-time insights into potential threats, allowing faster and more efficient incident response. Additionally, there is a noticeable shift towards decentralized cybersecurity, with organizations opting for distributed security measures instead of relying solely on centralized systems.  

The rise of emerging technologies like 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) presents both opportunities and challenges for cybersecurity. While these technologies offer immense benefits, they also expand the attack surface, requiring security measures to be implemented alongside their deployment. The future of cybersecurity lies in these trends, allowing organizations to proactively protect their digital assets while harnessing the full potential of technology.  

Adlumin’s Spot the Lurker Challenge 

Unleash the power of knowledge and stand a chance to win big in the ‘Defeat the Lurker’ contest. Download Adlumin’s 2023 Threat Report Round-Up, shine a light on hidden threats and equip yourself with the tools to protect your network while entering for a chance to win amazing prizes. 

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