A Government Technology Thought Leadership Report

Collaboration – The Ultimate Cybersecurity Tool for Government

The power of collaboration is transforming cybersecurity. Learn best practices and response frameworks drawn from networking and information sharing on an international scale that will enhance your defense strategy against cyberattacks.

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Download the report to learn about:

Best practices and response frameworks for defending against cyberattacks through networking and information sharing on an international scale. 

multiple security tools 

Strategies for recovering from breaches, restoring operations, and rebuilding trust with constituents. 

Developing and practicing a ransomware playbook 

Key steps for a successful cyber plan, including understanding your assets, building an appropriate security framework, and coordinating reporting after an incident. 

Implementing behavioral-based detections 

The importance of human behavior in responding to cyber incidents and managing group dynamics for effective decision-making. 

The benefits of partnering with an MDR provider to enhance security, reduce risk, and automate compliance. 

“Cybersecurity is not an IT problem to solve. It is a business risk to manage.”

– Mark Sangster, Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer of Adlumin

Upgrade your Ransomware Defense Life Cycle with Adlumin

Automatically stop malicious encryption and isolate the host  

Detect behavioral anomalies across multiple security signals 

Protected user

See what users and groups have elevated privileges