Blog posts, webinars, and guides exploring ransomware prevention tips and platform capabilities against these attacks.

Adlumin Kills Ransomware in Seconds With New Feature That Saves 99% of Files From Encryption

Alongside New Ransomware Prevention Feature, Free Ransomware Simulation Tool Gives Any Organization the Capability to Easily Test Ransomware Defenses

WASHINGTON – April 2, 2024 –  Adlumin, the security operations command center that simplifies complexity for organizations of all sizes, today announced a new Ransomware Prevention feature that immediately detects and stops ransomware from encrypting files. In benchmark tests against malware from some of the world’s most notorious ransomware groups including Black Basta, Conti, Ryuk, NoEscapeLocker and others, Adlumin Ransomware Prevention saved, on average, 99% of the file system from encryption.

In addition, the company unveiled a free Ransomware Simulation Tool that gives organizations a self-service option to easily test and understand their vulnerability to a ransomware attack.

The threat posed by ransomware and the success of ransomware gangs climbed to new heights in 2023 with payments exceeding $1 billion for the first time. Beyond the financial impact, Ransomware has also been responsible for attacks that crippled essential services from healthcare facilities, financial institutions, local government and more, and disrupted lives and operations in every other sector of the economy.

The speed with which Adlumin detects and kills ransomware provides an added layer of protection to help stop ransomware threats at organizations that rely on Adlumin for Managed Detection and Response (MDR). This new feature adds capabilities that enable Adlumin and its partners to provide a comprehensive ransomware defense that can block ransomware, quickly kill ransomware that’s executed, take automated responsive actions to contain an attack, and assist with recovery.

“Traditional endpoint and antivirus solutions are focused on detection, but not resiliency. They strain system resources and have high rates of false positives, and by the time they act, a majority of the file system is already encrypted,” said Robert Johnston, CEO and co-founder of Adlumin. “When combatting ransomware, speed is the most important factor. Our lightweight solution is accurate and fast so we can shut down a ransomware attack in seconds.”

Adlumin’s free Ransomware Simulation Tool is a complementary offering that enables any organization to test their ransomware defenses. This self-service tool deploys mock-up data and files onto an organization’s systems, launches a ransomware attack against them, and provides a grade that details how well the organization’s defenses performed. This synthetic attack is isolated to the mock-up files, which the Adlumin tool then cleans from the file system to remove all traces of the test.

For more information, or to download and run the Ransomware Simulation Tool, visit: 

Adlumin’s Ransomware Prevention feature is now automatically enabled for all customers of Adlumin’s Managed Detection and Response services. For more information on how Adlumin MDR can keep your organization secure, visit:

About Adlumin
Adlumin is the security operations command center that simplifies complexity and keeps organizations of all sizes secure. Its innovative technology and seamless integrations create a feature-rich platform that includes everything a sophisticated security team needs, while empowering channel resellers, service providers and organizations of any size with the collaboration and transparency required to establish a coordinated and mature defense. Adlumin is headquartered in Washington, DC and is backed by investors including SYN Ventures, First In Ventures, Washington Harbour Partners and BankTech Ventures.

For more information, follow Adlumin on LinkedIn, X, and Facebook or visit

Highlights from the New Threat Insights 2024 Volume I Report

Event details:

Thursday, April 18, 2024
1:00 PM ET


Mark Sangster, VP, Chief of Strategy, Adlumin
Kevin O’Connor, Director of Threat Research, Adlumin

About this Talk:

Explore the latest ransomware cyber-threat trends in this new research from the Adlumin Threat Research Team.

The Adlumin Threat Research Team has been dedicated to tracking and analyzing the most important cybersecurity trends, including ransomware. Keeping up to date with these threats can make the difference between a minor event and an operational shutdown.

Join Kevin O’Connor, Director of Threat Research, and our host, Mark Sangster, VP, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin as the pair reviews significant takeaways, trends, and vulnerabilities in the new Threat Insights 2024 Volume I report.

What you will learn:

  • Exclusive insights from Adlumin’s Threat Insights 2024 Volume I Report
  • Detailed analysis of emerging threat trends in cybersecurity, including the latest in ransomware attacks
  • Strategies to implement vulnerability management in your cybersecurity strategy
As a thank you for joining our webinar, we’ll send you our new Threat Insights 2024 Volume I report. Additionally, one lucky participant will receive a $200 Amazon gift card.

Additional Resources

How to Spot the Early Signs of a Ransomware Attack

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager 

The threat of ransomware attacks looms large over organizations of all sizes. It is predicted that ransomware will cost, in total, USD $265 billion annually by 2031, up from USD $42 billion in 2024. This serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures in staying ahead of these malicious attacks, especially when they’re predicted to arise with new challenges.  

There is hope in the form of advanced defense mechanisms that can proactively prevent and detect ransomware attacks before they cause irreparable harm. This blog explores early signs of a ransomware attack and how organizations can level up their defenses to mitigate the risk.   

How Ransomware Attacks Work 

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that blocks a user’s access to their computer files by encrypting them. The cybercriminals demand a ransom payment in exchange for unlocking the files. This coercive tactic puts victims in a predicament where paying the ransom is often seen as the most straightforward and cost-effective way to regain access to their data. In some cases, ransomware may also involve data theft to further pressure targets into meeting the ransom demands. 

A prime example is when the MGM Resorts data breach shook the industry. This breach resulted in the personal information of more than 10.6 million guests being exposed on the dark web after the company refused to pay the ransom demanded by the cybercriminals. It was reported that MGM faced $100 million in financial losses. This incident showcases what can happen if an employee falls victim to a simple social engineering tactic via a fraudulent phone call. 

Recognizing Early Signs of a Ransomware Attack 

Being vigilant and proactive in recognizing early signs of a potential attack is crucial: 

  • Tailored and Targeted Campaigns: For example, a rise in phishing attempts, seen through an increase in spam emails, can indicate potential malware threats. This puts the entire network at risk, as an employee clicks on a malicious link or download can lead to infection. Vigilance is key in recognizing and responding to this threat promptly. 
  • Abnormal network activity: Sudden increases in traffic from unknown sources may signify unauthorized access attempting to exfiltrate data. In addition, unexpected data transfers can be a sign of ransomware encrypting files for extortion purposes. The presence of unfamiliar file extensions or files being created/modified without authorization can indicate the presence of malicious software attempting to compromise the network. 
  • Failed 2FA Authentication: Cybercriminals often try to bypass two-factor authentication to gain control and encrypt important data, leading to potential extortion demands. Monitoring and responding promptly to failed authentication attempts can help prevent the escalation of a ransomware attack and protect critical assets from being compromised. 

What is The Impact of a Ransomware Attack?  

The consequences become more severe for the targeted organization when a ransomware attack is successful. Data encryption and demands for ransom payment disrupt normal operations, leading to potential financial losses and downtime. After a successful ransomware attack, organizations may face long-lasting repercussions such as stolen assets, including intellectual property and sensitive customer information.   

The reputational damage from a data breach can cause clients and stakeholders to lose trust, impacting the organization’s standing in the industry. In addition, financial penalties for failing to secure sensitive data can add to the attack’s overall cost. 

By staying vigilant and updating defenses at the first sign of a threat, organizations can significantly reduce their exposure to ransomware attacks and safeguard their critical data and systems. 

Strengthening Ransomware Defense Mechanisms 

Implementing strong cybersecurity measures, conducting regular security assessments, and training employees on cybersecurity best practices can help amplify defenses against evolving cyber threats. Remember, early detection and quick response are key to mitigating the impact of ransomware attacks and safeguarding the integrity and resilience of your organization’s digital infrastructure. 

Embracing technologies like Adlumin’s Total Ransomware Defense and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) can provide organizations with the multi-layered protection they need to stay one step ahead of cyber threat actors. By leveraging AI and behavioral models to identify warning signs of ransomware at different attack layers, these solutions can effectively block malicious files from executing and mitigate the risk of data encryption and extortion. 

The ability of these solutions to provide automated detection updates ensures that organizations are constantly shielded from evolving ransomware variants. By staying vigilant and updating defenses at the first sign of a threat, organizations can significantly reduce their exposure to ransomware attacks and safeguard their critical data and systems. 

Stay Informed

Subscribe to Adlumin’s blog series and gain access to actionable advice and step-by-step guides from cybersecurity experts.

Watch a Live EvilGinx Demonstration to See How Cybercriminals Bypass MFA

Event details:

Thursday, March 21, 2024
1:00 PM EST


Mark Sangster, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin
Kevin O’Connor, Director of Threat Research

About this talk:

Cybersecurity professionals preach the power of multi-factor authentication (MFA), but what happens when a cybercriminal goes around it?

Join Adlumin’s Mark Sangster and Kevin O’Connor as they demonstrate MFA bypass techniques using EvilGinx 3. In this webinar, you’ll also see how attackers can leverage hijacked session cookies and EvilGinx phishlets to compromise user accounts and access. The pair will also dive into how to combat these attacks, along with the benefits of a fully visible network for cybersecurity.

Top 4 Cybersecurity Predictions to Be Aware of for 2024

The Adlumin Threat Research Team has peered into the future and unveiled their top predictions for the upcoming year.

With each passing year, hackers become more sophisticated and the consequences of a breach become more severe. To help organizations prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, we have compiled this list of the top four cybersecurity threats to be aware of.  

From the growing threat of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) to the increasing impact of AI tools, these predictions will arm IT Directors with the knowledge they need to protect their organization from potential risks. So, buckle up and prepare for the top four cybersecurity challenges in the new year. 

1. Increase in Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) Attacks 

Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated, causing financial, operational, and reputational damage to businesses and organizations. RaaS refers to the model where cybercriminals offer ransomware tools and infrastructure to other hackers, who then deploy the ransomware on their behalf. This has enabled malicious actors with less sophisticated technical skills to carry out ransomware attacks, and share the profits with the original creators.

The rise in RaaS actors is alarming because it lowers the barrier to entry, making ransomware attacks accessible to a broader range of cybercriminals. This means we can anticipate a surge in ransomware attacks as more individuals and groups access these tools. This trend threatens organizations of all sizes and sectors, as no one is immune to being targeted by ransomware attacks. 

2. Shift from Data Encryption to Data Extortion Ransomware 

Ransomware has been a long-standing top cybersecurity threat, but in the new year, a shift in its tactics is predicted. Traditionally, ransomware attacks involved encrypting victims’ data and demanding a ransom for release. However, cybercriminals are expected to focus on data extortion increasingly.

This shift means threat actors will also exfiltrate sensitive information from victims’ systems and encrypt data. They will then threaten to release or sell this data if the ransom is not paid. This new approach adds an extra layer of pressure on organizations to comply with the attackers’ demands, as the exposure of sensitive data can lead to severe consequences, including reputational damage, regulatory penalties, and legal liabilities. 

3. Increased Focus on Cyberattacks Against Hospitality   

This cybersecurity threat prediction for the new year highlights the potential increased focus on attacks targeting the hospitality industry and the expected rise in the sophistication of fraud schemes. As the hospitality sector relies heavily on technology and handles a vast amount of customer data, it has become an attractive target for cybercriminals. This prediction suggests that attackers will continue to exploit vulnerabilities in hotel networks, reservation systems, point of sale (POS) terminals, and other digital platforms to steal confidential information. 

For example, the Marriot Hotel has faced multiple cybersecurity breaches over the past couple of years. Their most recent breach resulted in losing 20 gigabytes of sensitive customer and employee data including credit card information in an extortion attempt.   

4. Increased Impact from Malicious AI Tools

The increased impact of malicious AI tools on both attackers and defenders is predicted to be a major cybersecurity threat. AI technology has evolved significantly, creating a new era in cyberattacks and defense strategies. Cybercriminals leverage AI tools to amplify the scale and sophistication of their attacks, making them harder to detect and mitigate. AI-powered malware can self-propagate, adapt, and evolve, posing immense challenges to traditional cybersecurity measures.

Organizations also protect themselves by using AI tools to enhance their security capabilities. AI can help identify and analyze threats in real-time, assist in incident response, and automate cybersecurity processes. However, these AI tools can generate false positives or negatives, leading to missed or misinterpreted threats and potentially unlocking vulnerabilities.

The use of AI on both sides creates a dynamic and rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Attackers can leverage AI algorithms for advanced evasion techniques. On the other hand, defenders have the daunting task of keeping up with AI-powered attacks while navigating through potential inaccuracies or blind spots in their AI-enabled defense systems. 

Illuminate Threats and Eliminate Risks in 2024

The threat of data breaches and ransomware attacks loom over organizations of all sizes and sectors. It’s no longer a matter of if your organization will get breached or attacked with ransomware but rather when. The harsh reality is that no system is invincible, and cybercriminals are continually finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities.

While it can be challenging for IT teams to keep pace with evolving threats, innovative technology solutions and security measures are available to alleviate the strain. Organizations can automate threat detection and prevention processes by leveraging advanced security solutions like a Security Operations Platform and pairing them with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services, effectively mitigating the risks associated with cyber attacks.

Through the use of AI and machine learning, these solutions analyze vast amounts of data, identify anomalies, and respond to potential threats in real-time, empowering organizations to defend against cyber threats proactively.  

Stay Informed

Subscribe to Adlumin’s blog series and gain access to actionable advice and step-by-step guides from cybersecurity experts.

Unmasking the Top Ransomware Groups of 2023

Over the past year, the digital landscape has been a battleground for attacks cybersecurity threats, creating a sense of vulnerability and urgency for organizations. Adlumin’s dedicated threat research and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) teams have been at the forefront of detecting and combating these threats, witnessing firsthand the havoc they have wreaked across countless sectors.  

With ransomware groups and adversaries still on the rise and continually refining their techniques, organizations must remain vigilant and prepared for the malicious activities that lie ahead.  

As we enter the new year, we are shedding light on the top ransomware groups and emerging threats that demand our attention and resilience. 

Ransomware Group Spotlights 


BianLian is a versatile cybercriminal group that has expanded its tactics beyond ransomware attacks. They employ advanced techniques such as customized malware, targeted phishing, and zero-day exploit usage. The group’s expertise is in evading antivirus systems and exploiting unknown software vulnerabilities. 

The BianLian group is a serious threat and is an example of a ransomware group targeting organizations hoping to receive big payouts. 

Read Adlumin’s latest Threat Insights 2023: Volume IV to learn more about two emerging threat actors and three critical vulnerabilities.  


Cl0p, also known as Clop, TA505, and FIN11, is a notorious ransomware group that is known for its advanced tactics and operations. They employ a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model and utilize the double-extortion data disclosure tactic. Their motivation is financial gain through extorting organizations by encrypting their data and demanding ransom payments in exchange for its release. 

Cl0p first emerged in 2019 as a variant of CryptoMix malware distributed through a large-scale phishing campaign. Over time, they have evolved into one of the most sophisticated and effective ransomware groups, frequently exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities to target and compromise numerous systems across the globe. 

Read more about the CL0P ransomware group, trends, and developments in Adlumin’s Threat Insights 2023: Volume II


LockBit is a ransomware group that operates as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model. They provide other cybercriminals, known as “affiliates,” with their ransomware tools to spread and infect victims’ systems. LockBit’s main motivation is financial gain through extortion. They target organizations, particularly in professional services like manufacturing, construction, and technology, by accessing their networks and encrypting their data.  

A ransom payment is demanded in exchange for the decryption key, threatening to leak the stolen data if the ransom is not paid. LockBit’s focus is mainly on small to medium-sized companies. However, they have also targeted larger organizations with victims in North and South America, with no clear regional pattern in targeting.  

Adlumin’s Threat Insights: Volume I give an in-depth analysis of the latest trends and an overview of the effects and recovery from recent ransomware attacks.  

Akira Ransomware 

Akira ransomware is a relatively new malware that emerged in March 2023. The threat actors behind Akira ransomware employ various tactics, such as phishing campaigns and exploiting vulnerabilities in remote monitoring and management software, remote desktop protocol, and other remote access tools. They have also been reported to exploit vulnerabilities and compromised credentials in Cisco virtual private network (VPN) products. 

The motivation of Akira ransomware threat actors is believed to be financial gain. Like most ransomware groups, they encrypt the victim’s files and demand ransom. These ransom payments are typically made in cryptocurrencies, making tracing and identifying the perpetrators harder. 

Read more about Akira Ransomware and the examination from Adlumin’s threat research team in A Threat Actor’s Playbook: Behind the Scenes of Akira Ransomware


Play ransomware has been a significant threat since its emergence in 2022, targeting numerous companies and government entities worldwide. This development of PlayCrypt being sold as a service means that PlayCrypt is now accessible to affiliates, essentially allowing a wider range of actors to launch highly effective attacks using this Russia-linked ransomware.  

Affiliates could include skilled cybercriminals, less experienced “script kiddies,” and individuals with varying levels of expertise. This expansion may lead to a substantial increase in the frequency of attacks using Play ransomware. 

Learn more about how Adlumin uncovered evidence that Play ransomware (PlayCrypt) is also being sold “as a service” in PlayCrypt Ransomware-as-a-Service Expands Threat from Script Kiddies and Sophisticated Attackers

Top Industry-Specific Threat Spotlights   

Legal Industry: Phishing 

Phishing attacks have emerged as one of the legal industry’s top cybersecurity threats. These attacks target lawyers and law firms by deceiving individuals into revealing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and financial details. Given the substantial amount of valuable and confidential data law firms handle, they have become prime targets for cybercriminals. 

Phishing attacks in the legal industry often take the form of scam emails, mimicking trusted sources like IT service providers, law enforcement agencies, or other professionals with whom lawyers regularly interact. These emails typically employ social engineering tactics to create urgency or manipulate emotions, tricking recipients into clicking on malicious links or downloading malware-infected attachments. 

Adlumin’s latest Threat Insights Legal Edition report details top threats and access methods the legal industry faces.  

Financial Industry: Credential Harvesting 

Financial institutions are particularly vulnerable to credential harvesting attacks because they deal with large volumes of sensitive customer information and transactions. If cybercriminals successfully harvest credentials from bank customers, they can gain direct access to their accounts, potentially leading to financial losses for the customers and the institution.  

These attacks typically start with creating fake websites that closely resemble legitimate banking or investment websites. These fake websites often utilize convincing branding, formatting, and domain names almost identical to the targeted companies. This mimicry is intended to deceive users into thinking they are logging into their actual financial accounts. 

Read more about top threats and access methods the financial industry faces in Adlumin’s latest Threat Insights Financial Edition report.  

 Education Industry: Double Extortion 

Double extortion ransomware has emerged as one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to the education sector. Cybercriminals employ this dangerous tactic to maximize their chances of profiting from malicious activities. Double extortion takes the already damaging effects of ransomware attacks to a whole new level. 

In a traditional ransomware attack, cybercriminals encrypt the victim’s data, rendering it inaccessible until a ransom is paid. However, double extortion ransomware goes a step further. Instead of relying solely on encryption to extort money, cybercriminals also threaten to publicly expose or release the stolen data unless the ransom is paid. 

Read more about how double extortion affects the education industry and mitigation strategies in Adlumin’s latest Threat Insights Education Edition report.  

How Can You Stay Protected? 

Organizations must prioritize their cybersecurity and take proactive measures to protect their sensitive data and networks. Adlumin’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service provides a solution to address the growing threat of ransomware and other cyber attacks.  

Here are a few recommendations from Adlumin’s Threat Research Team 

  • Third-party risk management programs should be implemented to assess and monitor the security of vendors and suppliers, and to ensure they are adhering to the same security standards as the financial institution. 
  • Implement application controls to manage and control the execution of software, including allowlisting access programs. 
  • Adopting Zero Trust Architecture, developing and implementing a Zero Trust security architecture and model for your organization can dramatically reduce the risk of unauthorized access and lateral movement within networks. This involves verifying every user and device, regardless of location.  
  • Multi-factor authentication should be implemented where possible to prevent unauthorized access if credentials are stolen. 
  • All employees should be regularly trained in essential cybersecurity best practices, including social engineering identification, phishing, password security, re-use threats, and good browsing hygiene.   

Adlumin’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services combines advanced threat detection capabilities with a team of dedicated experts who monitor and respond to suspicious activities around-the-clock. By incorporating machine learning and AI, Adlumin can quickly detect and respond to potential threats before they cause significant damage. In addition to consistently monitoring ransomware groups’ latest trends and tactics, enabling organizations to stay ahead of their attackers. 

Take the Tour

Discover how Adlumin’s Security Operations Platform paired with MDR Services empowers your team to effectively detect and respond to threats and lightens your team’s workload. Take the platform tour and elevate your organization’s visibility to new heights. 

Adlumin’s Threat Insights: Latest Adversaries and Vulnerabilities

Adlumin’s quarterly threat insights focus on rising risks and vulnerabilities affecting businesses. With cyberattacks becoming increasingly prevalent, organizations of all sizes are at risk. Last year, around 76% of organizations were targeted by ransomware, emphasizing the urgent need for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity measures.

Adlumin’s latest report aims to provide insights by examining cyber threats, tactics, and procedures utilized by threat actors, identifying targeted industries and fresh avenues for infiltration, and offering an understanding of the methods employed by these malicious actors. Understanding the tactics and procedures employed by threat actors is crucial in mitigating these risks and safeguarding organizations.

By downloading  Adlumin’s Threat Insights 2023: Volume IV you will gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments and actionable recommendations to enhance your proactive defense strategies and mitigate cyberattack risks.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – take the necessary steps to protect your enterprise network.