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5 Cybersecurity Trends Still on the Rise

By: Brittany Demendi, Corporate Communications Manager at Adlumin

As summer begins to wind down and we hit the mid-year mark, it is becoming increasingly evident that the cybersecurity industry continues to experience transformational shifts. In the face of persistent threats and sophisticated attacks businesses must adapt to the changes to strengthen their defense mechanisms.

Despite the various challenges brought forth by the ever-advancing technological world, one thing remains constant—cybersecurity’s critical importance is safeguarding our digital assets and personal information. As the digital landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, remaining vigilant is the key component to staying ahead of the cybercrime curve.

This blog explores five key cybersecurity trends that are still on the rise, shaping the way we approach digital security and setting the tone for the months to come.

  1. Cybersecurity Spending: According to ESG research, 65% of organizations planned to increase their budgets this year. While budgets are tightening, cybersecurity spending is still on the rise. In the past few years, cybersecurity has become a boardroom topic. Cyber threats continue to impact organizations on a daily basis and the awareness of these issues is prevalent. Companies understand the criticality of keeping customer and business data secure and investment in cybersecurity has become non-negotiable and often needed for compliance.
  2. Cloud-Based Attacks: Organizations have adapted to servicing customers through apps to employees working remotely, increasing the attack surface for adversaries. Most organizations store their data in the cloud and as a result, cybercriminals are focusing on the cloud as the main target for attacks. The key to managing cloud risk is being able to identify when user activity deviates from normal matters. This can be accomplished by investing in a solution with User Entity and Behavior Analytics and one that will ingest security signals from your productivity tools.
  3. Machine Learning Based Detections: To keep up with the sophistication and growing threat landscape, machine learning is becoming a key capability in cybersecurity. Machine learning goes beyond signature-based detection methods to identify advanced tactics cybercriminal are leveraging to bypass detection. Embracing machine learning in cybersecurity solutions is a necessary step in staying ahead of ever-evolving cyber threats.
  4. Insider Threats: This emerging challenge his emerging challenge is sometimes misunderstood. While it could be a disgruntled employee posting sensitive information, we’re referring to human error that occurs internally. According to VentureBeat, “one out of every five breaches, 19%, originate from the inside.” Whether it is an employee accidentally leaking passwords credentials or downloading malware without realizing it, not following security protocols leaves sensitive data at risk. Investing in security awareness training is essential to educating employees to better protect against this risk.
  5. Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks: BEC continues to be one of the top ways attackers steal information, achieve financial gains, and find their way into an organization. It works because it involves a human element. They trick and deceive users into taking harmful actions, sharing sensitive information or providing monetary gains. An AFP report also shared “evidence that BEC remains a problem, with 71% of organizations experienced an attempted or actual BEC attack in 2022. That’s up 3 percentage points from 2021, but still off the 2018 high mark of 80%.” Security professionals must focus on educating employees to gain awareness and recognize these techniques to defend against BEC attacks.

Command More Visibility

The trends above only represent a small portion of what the industry is up against and opportunities to take hold of. The key is to take all we know about cybersecurity and apply them fully to our current security programs. Knowledge is only the halfway point to winning the battle and implementing a proactive security approach is important to defend against common trends.

Amidst these escalating threats, Managed Detection and Response (MDR) providers play a pivotal role in defending organizations. Investing in a solution that provides full visibility across your environment, provides insight into policy violations, and takes a multi-layered detection approach that looks at your extended threat landscape will enable organizations to keep up with the latest trends. Investing in MDR can be an extension of your team and provide valuable threat insights to prepare for and protect against the evolving threat landscape.

How Automation Makes Cybersecurity Faster and Smarter: The Pros and Cons

By: Will Ledesma, MDR Cybersecurity Director 

The world of automation is fully upon us. We as humans want things faster, quicker, and cleaner, with trust in actions taken by computers. All too often, we see in the movies lighting speed actions happening in real-time. Is this real? In essence, we can see automation everywhere, from ordering food at a kiosk to robots making food and beverages. So how has automation taken a foothold in cybersecurity?

The concept of automation often bleeds into the artificial intelligence (AI) world. Where AI makes decisions based on a number of technologies and learned variables. In principle, automation also makes these same types of decisions, but it’s based on rules and patterns. Nonetheless, in cybersecurity, automation is only as smart as we make it. The cyber-world is colossal, and different teams and operations can all use automation in different ways.

This blog concentrates on automation in a Security Operation Center (SOC) and the pros and cons of automation used in cybersecurity.

How is Automation Being Used in Cybersecurity?

In cybersecurity, specifically Adlumin, automation monitors, audits, detects, responds, and/or prevents malicious activities against multiple technologies. One of the main challenges in the cybersecurity world is burnout. By using automation, a Security Operations Center (SOC) team can quickly scale up their operations. For example, automation helps reduce analyst fatigue. Plus provides the tools to quickly identify, contain, and respond to malicious activity. It streamlines mundane, labor-intensive tasks that would’ve otherwise required manual effort. Automation reduces the time for threat detection and provides response capabilities across an organization’s technology set. In addition, automation helps reduce costs associated with manual processes and investigations; by detecting and containing threats such as malware, phishing emails, and malicious code.

Now that we’ve covered its use let’s look at the pros and cons.

The Pros of Cybersecurity Automation

Simply put, as mentioned above, automation reduces the time for threat detection and containment. Furthermore, automation can pinpoint threats that the human eye may miss. Within Adlumin’s Security Operations Center’s (SOC) team, automation is used by taking the mindset of a Tier 3 (expert SOC analyst) and scaling that into playbooks to where automation is then inserted to make machine time-to-machine time decisions. This way, an attack can be stopped in machine time, thus denying a threat of further spreading.

Use Case: Automation Block Ingested into Next-Generation Firewall Systems

For this use case, we will examine an automation playbook that is being utilized to create IP blocklists for next-generation firewall systems (NGFW). In the past, SOCs had to have subject matter experts (SME) that knew a slew of technologies. Using automation, we have removed the need for a dedicated SME that knows how to create network objects, apply that to a network policy, ensure that it has been set to memory, and, most importantly, we have reduced the risk surface area. No longer must a company open additional vectors into its network for SOC SMEs. In addition, a customer drops the risk of worrying about the account management headache that comes with having to give credentials to outside-the-organization users or even depending on a third-party company that requires change request nightmares. Adlumin’s automation can implement a blocklist inseconds versus minutes, hours, or even days.

In addition to automation serving as an additional defender alongside cyber defense warriors, it also helps reduce mean time to remediation (MTTR), thus reducing service level agreements (SLA). Automation will also grab key intel artifacts and inject those in machine time into Adlumin for an analyst to utilize on a single pane of glass. Thus, reducing time to clicks instead of needing to go to additional outside sources.

The Cons of Cybersecurity Automation

The cons of cybersecurity automation are that threat actors are now also using automation within their attack playbooks. The playing field has been reduced in terms of expertise from attackers. Now a team can have one lead that creates and distributes a malicious weapon set to where other attackers can point and click on what they want to attack. Even here at Adlumin, our red teams are using automation in their attacks to brute force their way into systems.

Due to attacks now moving at lightning speeds, defenses must be able to keep up, and automation clearly is the key. For those possibly thinking otherwise, consider this, a leader approaches you and states, “Why am I going to invest in an employee if they’re just going to leave,” where a great response would be, “But what if we don’t invest in them and they never leave?” The same is true for automation in the world of cybersecurity.

Illuminate Threats and Eliminate Risks

Learn more about how Adlumin’s Managed Detection and Response Services and Security Operations Platform can empower your team to illuminate threats, eliminate cyber risk, and command authority. Contact us today, schedule a demo, or sign-up for a free trial.

EDR vs. XDR vs. MDR: The Cybersecurity ABCs Explained

Protect your organization against modern threats with Adlumin’s guide on EDR vs. XDR vs. MDR. Learn more about the differences between the three primary threat detection and response solutions and how to choose the right one for your organization’s needs with a limited budget and resources. Download your copy today!

Cyber Tide Season 1, Episode 5: Changes in the Security Landscape, Buyers’ Behavior in Purchasing Security Platforms and Services, & More

In episode five of Cyber Tide, Mark Sangster, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin, and Alex Jinivizian, Managing Director at Encipher Consulting Limited recap their experiences from RSAC 2023, changes in the security landscape, buyers’ experiences with purchasing security platforms and services, and more.

You can subscribe to CyberTide via Apple and  Spotify.

About the Cyber Tide Series

Dive beneath the surface of infamous cybersecurity attacks to learn the means and motives of cyber adversaries. In each episode, we invite an expert to reveal the contributing factors and costs of cyber incidents and how your firm can protect itself from business-disrupting cyberattacks.

Three Critical Elements for the Perfect Security Operations Mix

Investing in a Security Operations Platform plus Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services enables access to talented, around-the-clock cybersecurity experts, scalability, lower ongoing costs, and shared threat intelligence. This final white paper in our 3-part series details the first steps to building the foundation of your Security Operations Platform and outlines three critical elements to incorporate into your cybersecurity strategy.

According to Gartner, data breaches broke records in 2021, so 88% of executives consider cybersecurity a top threat to their operations rather than a technical IT problem. Organizations must invest in solutions that proactively and continuously protect against threats while offering automated solutions to mitigate the risk of an attack. Technologies and services are often expensive and complex requiring effective management. For this reason, many small-to-medium businesses turn to a Security Operations Platform.

As the threat landscape evolves, compliance regulations follow suit, and the volume of data and emerging technology introduces new obligations and exposures. MDR services utilize organizations’ data by tracking and detecting threat trends across a broad base of monitored customers. The assistance from an extended security team is invaluable, as they manage the software and tools in your security stack and provide 24×7 emergency responses for attacks.

Key takeaways:

  • First steps to building the foundation of a Security Operations Platform
  • Three critical elements to incorporate into your cybersecurity strategy
  • The benefits of MDR services and 360-degree visibility

Adlumin wants to be your guide to educating you on the threats your organization is up against while equipping your IT landscape with the necessary tools.

Download Three Critical Elements for the Perfect Security Operations Mix to get started.

Three Critical Elements for the Perfect Security Operations Mix White Paper

Adlumin wants to be your guide to educating you on the threats your organization is up against while equipping your IT landscape with the necessary tools.

Download this paper to learn:

  • First steps to building the foundation of a Security Operations Platform
  • Three critical elements to incorporate into your cybersecurity strategy
  • The benefits of MDR Services and 360-degree visibility