Penetration Testing as a Service vs. PenTesting

By: Brittany Holmes, Corporate Communications Manager
Penetration testing is a vital part of cybersecurity strategies for organizations, helping them identify vulnerabilities in their systems, networks, and applications. Organizations have relied on traditional penetration testing methods, where a team of experts conducts the tests on-site. However, with the rise of technology and cloud-based services, a new approach has emerged – Penetration Testing as a Service or PTaaS.
This blog discusses the differences between conventional penetration testing and penetration testing as a service, comparing each method. By understanding the differences, organizations can make informed decisions when choosing the right approach for their security needs.
What is Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS)? And how is it different?
Penetration testing as a service is a revolutionary cybersecurity approach that is gaining popularity. Unlike traditional penetration testing methods, penetration testing as a service takes advantage of the cloud and offers on-demand accessibility, making the entire process more efficient and seamless.
With penetration testing as a service, organizations can securely access the testing platform through the cloud, eliminating the need for manual setup and configuration of testing environments. This significantly speeds up the testing process and allows for greater scalability since the necessary resources can be easily allocated as needed.
Additionally, penetration testing as a service employs automation and machine learning technologies to enhance the testing process. These technologies can assist with scanning for vulnerabilities, analyzing results, and even suggesting remediation steps. As a result, it can offer more accurate and comprehensive testing, saving time and effort for organizations.
To further investigate what solution is best for your organization, let’s explore the differences:
Who conducts the penetration test?
Penetration Testing:
Penetration tests are typically conducted by specialized cybersecurity professionals known as ethical hackers or penetration testers. These individuals have extensive knowledge and experience in identifying and exploiting security vulnerabilities. They follow a systematic approach to test the effectiveness of an organization’s security controls and identify areas where improvements are needed.
Penetration Testing as a Service:
Many organizations choose to engage in external penetration testing services provided by third-part services, such as Managed Detection and Response (MDR) providers. These providers have specialized expertise and access to advanced tools and techniques that can comprehensively assess an organization’s security posture.
How long does a penetration test take?
Penetration Testing:
The duration of a penetration test can vary depending on the availability of resources and information, the test’s scope, or the target system’s complexity. On average, a penetration test can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete.
Penetration Testing as a Service:
With penetration testing as a service, the testing is run based on your convenience or when your team wants to schedule them. Moving penetration tests to ‘as a service’ eliminates needing someone to manually set up pen tests. Instead, they can be scheduled to run on a regular basis or when you want, allowing for consistent assessments and updates. This means the duration can be longer than a one-time conventional test, but it provides more comprehensive and up-to-date security coverage.
Will there be communication between an organization and the penetration testers?
Penetration Testing:
During a penetration test, the communication between the penetration testers and the internal team can vary based on the policies and procedures of the organization. In some cases, there may be little to no interaction between the two groups, with the penetration testers working independently and providing updates only to a designated point of contact, such as a project manager.
Penetration Testing as a Service:
Two options are offered: the organization runs the tests independently, or an MDR provider manages the tests through a Progressive Penetration Testing Program.
Utilizing an MDR provider allows for seamless and direct communication between internal teams and penetration testers throughout the project, resulting in a more streamlined process. By eliminating unnecessary mediators, the exchange of information becomes more efficient and effective.
The close collaboration enables any friction or misunderstanding to be promptly addressed, clarified, and resolved during the penetration test. This not only ensures a smoother workflow but also allows for quicker resolution of any issues.
Additionally, it provides a valuable opportunity for the organization’s employees to enhance their skills by working alongside penetration testers. By actively participating in the penetration testing process, they can gain valuable insights and knowledge, ultimately improving their capabilities in cybersecurity.
When can I see the results?
Penetration Testing:
One of the significant limitations of traditional penetration tests is the delayed communication of results. Typically, the findings are only conveyed at the end of the tests. Consequently, potentially crucial vulnerabilities may remain unaddressed for extended periods, ranging from days to even weeks.
Penetration Testing as a Service:
When a penetration tester detects a vulnerability, the platform immediately notifies the organization. This real-time alert allows internal teams to address the issue promptly, even before the penetration test is complete. Organizations can deploy patches and test them against cybercriminals without the need for another round of testing.
This continuous reporting system, coupled with the ability to collaborate with penetration testers, enables the organization’s IT team to gain valuable insights into the remediation of vulnerabilities.
Penetration Testing as a Service vs. PenTesting
Penetration testing as a service offers organizations an affordable and convenient solution for assessing their cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Organizations can quickly identify and mitigate potential threats with on-demand access to human-led penetration testing combined with automation. It also provides continuous monitoring and real-time reports for faster resolution. This approach ensures higher accuracy and data analytics and makes penetration testing more accessible and cost-effective compared to traditional methods. By illuminating potential risks, penetration testing as a service enables organizations to adopt effective defenses and enhance their security posture.
Ultimately, the choice between penetration testing and penetration testing as a service depends on an organization’s unique needs and financial resources. Traditional penetration testing may be ideal for certain tasks, but it is crucial to assess the areas where assistance is needed and select the most appropriate option to meet the organization’s security requirements.
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