• Improving the Human Element in Cybersecurity

    Blog Post

By: Erica Larkin, Marketing Specialist 

The human element remains a critical vulnerability in cybersecurity, often overshadowed by the focus on technological solutions. Employees, frequently one of the weakest links in an organization’s security chain, play a pivotal role in maintaining or compromising data integrity. According to Verizon’s 2024 Data Breaches Investigations Report, 68% of data breaches involved a non-malicious human element. This includes instances where individuals fell prey to social engineering tactics or made inadvertent errors, highlighting the urgent need for organizations to prioritize the human aspect of cybersecurity as rigorously as they do technological defenses.

This blog details the role the human element plays in cybersecurity and offers strategies to reduce associated risks.

The Human Element in Cybersecurity

From falling for sophisticated phishing scams to adopting poor password practices, human errors transcend hierarchies, affecting everyone from entry-level employees to top executives. Neglecting the human factor can result in devastating financial losses, irreparable reputational damage, and shattered customer trust. The aftermath of a security breach often reveals many incidents that start with human error.

In March 2023, Caesars Entertainment, a major casino and hotel company, fell victim to a social engineering attack that resulted in a significant data breach. An employee accidentally provided access to the company’s systems to unauthorized individuals, leading to a $15 million ransom payment. This example highlights the need for ongoing employee education and security protocols that extend beyond yearly check the box exercises, to safeguard against threats and protect customer information.

Creating a Cybersecurity Culture

Building a strong cybersecurity culture starts by addressing the human element through industry-specific strategies. By tailoring training to the unique threats, compliance regulations, and daily challenges faced by your organization, you can effectively safeguard digital assets and sensitive information. This approach not only promotes secure practices but also integrates them into employees’ daily behaviors.

Key focus areas include customizing training content to reflect industry-specific threats, regulatory mandates, and common scenarios encountered by employees. This targeted approach enhances engagement and ensures that cybersecurity practices are embraced and consistently followed throughout the organization, regardless of where employees are located.

Additional considerations for building a cybersecurity culture:

  • User-based Training: Identify at-risk employees for additional training and response management.
  • Legitimacy Verification: Teach employees to confirm requests for sensitive information before divulging any details.
  • Incident Reporting: Encourage a culture of reporting suspected phishing incidents promptly.
  • Password Security Best Practices: Regularly change passwords and use strong, unique combinations.

Mitigating Risk for the Human Element

By integrating these strategies into your organization’s cybersecurity efforts, you can reduce and improve the risk posed by human error. This approach educates employees about common threats, emphasizing context-relevant scenarios that reflect real-world risks specific to their roles. Investing in customized training initiatives empowers employees with the skills to identify potential cyber threats, address industry-specific needs, and educate users on emerging tactics used by cybercriminals.

For in-depth insights on The Human Element and its impact on cybersecurity, tune into our episode of Cyber Tide with Adlumin’s VP and Chief of Strategy, Mark Sangster.