ICBA Live 2023: Honolulu, HI

Dates: March 12-16, 2023
Location: Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort – Honolulu, HI
Booth #: 932 (Main Street Foyer next to ThinkTECH)
Join Mark Sangster, Vice President, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin, during his speaking session at ICBA Live 2023 and converse with us at Adlumin’s booth #932, located at the Main Street Foyer next to ThinkTech.
During his speaking session, Sangster will debunk the cyber misconceptions that plague most businesses. You’ll learn how to frame conversations to report on risks rather than threats, define objectives and priorities, allocate resources, and report that demonstrates, not action.
Cybersecurity is not an IT problem to solve, it’s a business risk to manage.
Speaking Session: The Cyber Rosetta Stone: Translating the Ones and Zeroes of Threats to the Dollars and Cents of Risk
Speaker: Mark Sangster, Vice President, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin
Session Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Session Time: 7:00 AM – 7:50 AM HST
For complete event information, visit our ICBA Live event page.
Questions? Contact: marketingevents@adlumin.com