Join us at the Annual ElevateIT: Minneapolis Technology Summit 2024 on July 19th, 2024, where you can delve into emerging trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in technology. Attendees will experience stimulating keynotes, panel discussions, and interactive sessions focusing on cloud computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.

Be sure to stop by Adlumin’s booth #103 to discover more about our advanced Security Operations Platform and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) offering.

Dates: July 19, 2024
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Booth: #103
Sponsorship Level: Breakout Sponsor

Speaking Session

When: July 19, 2024 at 8:00 am
Where: Tech Theater 1

Multiple Personalities: Making Decisions in a Cyber Crisis

Mark Sangster, VP, Chief of Strategy

In a cyber crisis, the decisions made can be the difference between a controlled event and a business disrupting incident. The question is, who should be making these decisions: The senior person? The technical expert? The self-appointed hero? In this session, Mark Sangster will delve into the critical aspect of crisis leadership-removing the emotion. Human biases, office politics, and perceived personal fears often influence or delay sound decision-making. The key to success lies in our ability to harness these human factors to share expertise and ensure personal benefit does not trump organizational objections.

We invite you to join us for this insightful session with cybersecurity expert and author, Mark Sangster. He will be identifying common crisis personalities, exploring human bias, and considering leadership and learning models to help navigate the pitfalls of the human element in cyber incidents. Your presence and participation will add value to the discussion.