Surviving a Ransomware Attack: Real-world Experiences and a Path to Resilience

Event details:
Thursday, May 18, 2023
1:00 PM EST
Mark Sangster, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin
Dave Gruber, Principal Analyst, ESG
About this talk:
The impending ransomware threat has IT & Security teams on high alert, leaving many concerned about their overall preparedness to survive a successful attack. While ransomware is recognized as a key priority for most, many lack readiness, resilience, and recovery plans.
Join industry expert Mark Sangster, Chief of Strategy at Adlumin, in a lively discussion with Dave Gruber, Principal Industry Analyst, as they dig into samples of real-life ransomware attacks, talking through critical crisis response actions required for survival.
- Learn what critical questions need to be asked and answered in the heat of an active ransomware attack.
- Understand critical decision points, how and why they matter, and the implications of getting them right.
- Get ready to build out a comprehensive ransomware preparedness plan that can provide operational resilience to your business.