How to Strengthen Healthcare Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and patient privacy go hand in hand within every healthcare organization. There is growing federal scrutiny, which is changing things for the healthcare industry. HealthTech takes a deep dive into how to strengthen your cybersecurity, the costs associated with cybersecurity, and tips to support your cybersecurity strategy.  

“Recovering from a ransomware attack will cost a healthcare organization $1.85 million, on average, and take about a week to resolve, according to Sophos’ most recent report. 

Healthcare organizations are also more likely than organizations in other sectors to pay the ransom, but when they do, they may not get back all their data. And just 78 percent of healthcare organizations have cyber insurance coverage, according to Sophos’ “The State of Ransomware in Healthcare 2022.” 

As healthcare systems face the daunting proliferation of cyberthreats and vulnerabilities, the federal government has continued to keep a close watch on the sector. The landscape has drastically evolved since HIPAA was signed into law in 1996. 

This spring, the U.S. Senate introduced the PATCH Act, a bipartisan bill targeting medical device security. In a statement of support for the legislation, the American Hospital Association wrote, “Cyber vulnerabilities in medical devices, often containing outdated legacy technology, have posed a significant cyber risk to hospitals.”  

With increased government scrutiny and a volatile threat landscape, healthcare organizations may also experience insurers demanding to see stronger cybersecurity controls in place in response to major losses from cyber coverage during the pandemic. Purchasing cyber insurance without understanding the requirements or the extent of coverage needed could end up being more of a hindrance than a help.” 

Read the full article here.

9 Ways To Make Cybersecurity Awareness Training More Engaging

Cybersecurity awareness training doesn’t have to be boring. Real Leaders explores 9 ways to make it more engaging with your employees. When humans are the number one reason for data breaches, it is imperative to create a security culture in every department.  

“Phishing was responsible for the highest number of cyber compromises in 2021. As a result, more and more businesses are investing in security training and awareness initiatives. 

New evidence proves that regular training exercises can positively influence security culture and enable employees to defend against ransomware-laced phishing attempts and related social engineering attacks. 

Having said that, nearly all (85%) of employees are disengaged at work. That’s why it is imperative for organizations to design programs that encourage training participation.” 

Read the full article here.  

What Is Cybersecurity Awareness?

What is cybersecurity awareness training, and what works best? Cybercriminals work hard to exploit careless employees’ mistakes- the adage is true that humans are the weakest link. We Live Security explores several trends highlighting the urgent need for you to implement a cybersecurity awareness training program.  

“Research reveals that 82% of data breaches analyzed in 2021 involved a “human element.” It’s an inescapable fact of modern cyberthreats that employees represent a top target for attack. But give them the knowledge needed to spot the warning signs of an attack, and to understand when they may be putting sensitive data at risk, and there’s a huge opportunity to advance risk mitigation efforts,” according to We Live Security.  

Read the full article here.

Human Error Continues to Drive Numbers on Cybersecurity Attacks

Checking the box for your organization’s cybersecurity training annually doesn’t quite cut it anymore. Cyberattacks are rising yearly, and one of the top reasons is human error. Taft dives into the best approach to managing privacy and cybersecurity and how to create a more innovative, more attentive security culture.  

You might think your run-of-the-mill privacy and cybersecurity training is sufficient. You might think that by “checking the box” on generic training you have fulfilled your duty and obligation to mitigate data privacy and cybersecurity attacks. You might think that general malware protection adequately secures your company’s data and you can move on with your everyday business efforts without concern. Think again. Human error continues to be the number one driver of data breaches. Over 85% of all data breaches are caused by an employee mistake. (SourcePsychology of Human Error by Stanford University Professor Jeff Hancock and Tessian, a cybersecurity firm.) “Human error” can take many forms from the use of stolen credentials and misuse of company information to phishing or malware links. Cybercriminals and hackers have developed advanced and creative tactics in efforts to access and steal confidential information. Malware attacks, for example, are attacks where hackers attempt to infiltrate networks, individual computers, and mobile devices with malicious software. An unassuming click to open a link or download software is all it takes to enable a malware attack. Social engineering tactics are often used to get employees to send bank account information, provide usernames and passwords, among other confidential information. Psychological manipulation is the bread and butter of social engineering. Such efforts intentionally target human interactions by tricking persons into thinking they are receiving an email from a trusted source, perhaps a friend or a business partner. Email content may consist of an urgent request, portray legitimate branding to make the email appear trustworthy, request your “verification” of information, or pose as a boss or coworker. Employees need to be trained and continuously reminded to be mindful when conducting business. Technology can only take us so far in protecting businesses and securing information from cybersecurity attacks, especially with respect to social engineering. In the hustle and bustle of everyday business, it is easy to flit from email to email, shooting off quick responses without even glancing at the subject line, or the name or email address of the sender. Some of the simplest requests from a seemingly innocuous email can lead to the leak of very valuable information. Do you recognize the sender’s email address? Are there spelling mistakes in the content of the email? Is the company or individual name familiar to you? Cybersecurity attacks can be incredibly costly, causing financial, mental, and emotional heartache from the click of a button. Aside from financial ramifications, data breaches and cybersecurity attacks may reflect negatively on your business’s reputation, cause you to lose clients or customers, and may even lead to significant litigation proceedings and hefty government fines from breach of regulatory violations. The best approach in managing privacy and cybersecurity training is a proactive one. A primary goal should be to create a smarter, more attentive security culture within your business.

Read the full article here.

Adlumin Inc. is a patented, managed security services platform built for corporate organizations that demand innovative cybersecurity solutions and easy-to-use, comprehensive reporting tools.